onsdag 5. mars 2025

25 vintages of Haut-Bailly tasted from magnum!

To celebrate 25 years of ownership of the Wilmers family at Haut-Bailly, they organised a wonderful evening with tasting each vintage from magnum, as well as a wonderful dinner. It is the only time the estate has organised such a tasting, so a treat indeed to be part of it!

Château Haut-Bailly has made wonderful wines for decades, so the evolution here has more to do with evermore precision in the wines. Even if there has been a magnificent row of wines lately, you find gems in every decade from here, including, the with some margin, greatest red 1979 I have ever tasted. It was a good, but not an exceptional vintage, and most wines are declining now, yet the 1979 Haut-Bailly still carries plenty of fruit and concentration. Most are now quite lean. It is my vintage, so always special for me to taste, almost whatever the condition of the bottle, and wine.

The gorgeous new cellar at Haut-Bailly will make sure the future is bright, and the estate is expertly run by Veronique Sanders Van Beek, who is the granddaughter of the former owner, and runs it like it was still in her family. That gives the estate a wonderful ambience and atmosphere, which is unusual when the owner doesn't live on the property, or at least relatively nearby. One of the stars of Pessac-Léognan!

2022 Haut-Bailly II

Ruby. Blackberries, anise, dark fruits, some spices, liquorice nose, layered and nuanced. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, blackberries, dark fruits, liquorice, cassis and blueberries, juicy, long finish. 91-93


2022 Château Haut-Bailly

Ruby. Dark fruits, anise, blackberries, fruit driven, intense, ripe, cassis and blueberries nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, blackberries, anise, dark fruits, rich, intense and deep, layered, intense mouthfeel, subdued energy to it, so much texture, but so fine grained, very long finish. The concentration is imense. 95--97


1998 Château Haut-Bailly

Ruby, thin garnet rim. Dates, cassis, blackberries, detailed, nuanced, lifted nose, layered, some mint and tobacco. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, dark fruits, cassis, blueberries, dates, figs, nuanced, intense, layered, long. Gorgeous. 95


1999 Château Haut-Bailly

Ruby, thin garnet rim. Dates, tobacco, minerals, nuanced, elegant nose, detailed and layered, touch minty nose Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, red fruits, anise, nuanced, blackberries, some cassis, spices, nuanced, detailed, long finish. 92


2000 Château Haut-Bailly

Ruby, thin garnet rim. Cassis, tobacco, figs, dates, scented, layered, detailed, nuanced seductive nose, intense. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, cassis, blueberries, some figs, dates, layered, minty, intense, juicy, lovely texture, long finish. 95


2001 Château Haut-Bailly

Ruby, thin garnet rim. Scented, red and darker fruits, some tobacco, minerals, detailed and nuanced nose, layered, evolving very nicely. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, red fruits, anise, spices, juicy, detailed, layered, nuanced and long. Lovely. 94


2002 Château Haut-Bailly

Ruby, thin garnet rim. Blackberries, anise, dark fruits, some spices, detailed nose, minty and tobacco. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, red and dark fruits, anise, leather, detailed, juicy, another surprise 2002, they evolve better than expected. 91


2003 Château Haut-Bailly

Ruby, thin garnet rim. Dates, dark fruits, figs, some tobacco, fruit driven nose, quite intense. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, red fruits, anise, some spices, liquorice, detailed, some mint, more refreshing palate than nose suggestst, long finish. 93


2004 Château Haut-Bailly

Ruby, thin garnet rim. Scented, cassis, dark fruits, anise, liquorice, detailed and nuanced, pencil shawe, classic Bordeaux nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, dark fruits, anise, liquorice, dates, blackberries, still somewhat firm tannins. 93


2005 Château Haut-Bailly

Ruby. Firmer nose, cassis, dark fruits, liquorice, blackberries, detailed, layered, nuanced, intense nose.Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, cassis, blackberries, fruit forward, detailed and layered, intense, fruit forward, detailed, firmer, long. Youthful as so many 2005´s. 97


2006 Château Haut-Bailly

Ruby. Blackberries, anise, dark fruits, blackberries and spices, richer nose, detailed, intense yet still firm.Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, blackberries, anise, spices, dark fruits, detailed and rich, spicy, long finish. Still somewhat grippy tannins as so usual this vintage. 94


2007 Château Haut-Bailly

Ruby, thin garnet rim. Scented, somewhat leaner, some dates and tobacco, medicinal notes nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, red fruits, blackberries, some tobacco, leaner finish, long. 90


2008 Château Haut-Bailly

Ruby, thin garnet rim. Mint, cassis, red berries, anise, some spices, leaner nose, some dates and figs, scented and lifted. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, juicy, cassis, some dates, some tobacco, minty touch, detailed, lovely mineral note, long finish. Just starting to hit the sweetspot, but no hurries. 93


2009 Château Haut-Bailly

Ruby. Still so young and tight, blackberries, liquorice, detailed nose, some spices, intense and concentrated. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, blackberries, anise, spices, rich, fruit driven, intense and layered, firmer, long finish. Still a baby. 97


2010 Château Haut-Bailly

Ruby. Cassis, blackberries, detailed, layered, nuanced, intense, fruit forward, deep nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, cassis, dark fruits, blackberries, layered, nuanced, intense, fruit forward, firmer, structured, long finish. Gorgeous but still needs time. 98


2011 Château Haut-Bailly

Ruby. Blackberries, anise, some cassis, fruit driven nose, youthful and firm nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, blackberries, anise, some spices, liquorice, firm and structured, long finish. 94


2012 Château Haut-Bailly

Ruby. Anise, herbs, blackberries, dark fruits, some spices, liquorice nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, blackberries, anise, dark fruits, layered and nuanced, intense and long. 92


2013 Château Haut-Bailly

Ruby, thin garnet rim. Leaner nose, some dates and tobacco, blueberries and minerals. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, leaner bodied, anise, some spices, blackberries, juicy, good length. Still texture to it. 89


2014 Château Haut-Bailly

Ruby. Dark fruits, anise, cassis, liquorice, fruit driven nose, nuanced if lighter. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, red and dark fruits, minerals, nuanced, fruit driven long finish, somewhat narrower. 92


2015 Château Haut-Bailly

Ruby. Cassis, blackberries, dark fruits, liquorice, layered, fruit forward nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, cassis, dark fruits, intense, nuanced, juicy, layered, vanilla and spices, deep and long. 96


2016 Château Haut-Bailly

Ruby. Dark fruits, anise, liquorice, blackberries nose, fruit driven, fairly intense. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, blackberries, anise, liquorice, fruit driven, intense and detailed and long. Goes on and on. 97


2017 Château Haut-Bailly

Ruby. Blackberries, anise, minerals, detailed and nuanced nose, layered and deep, intense nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, blackberries, anise, some spices, dark fruits, liquorice, long finish. 95


2018 Château Haut-Bailly

Ruby. Spices, exotic, dark fruits, liquorice, fruit driven and layered nose, intense and deep, ripe. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, blackberries, anise, juicy, dark fruits, layered and deep, textured, long finish. 96


2019 Château Haut-Bailly

Ruby. Blackberries, anise, dark fruits, liquorice, scented and detailed nose, minerals, layered and deep. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, blackberries, anise, some spices, detailed and intense, long finish. 97


2020 Château Haut-Bailly

Ruby. Scented, lifted, dark fruits, layered, detailed, nuanced and intense nose, blackberries. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, blackberries, anise, some spices, liquorice, intense and deep, layered and nuanced, long finish. 97


2021 Château Haut-Bailly

Ruby. Blackberries, cassis, dark fruits, some spices, liquorice and minerals nose, detailed. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, blackberries, anise, some spices, dark fruits, rich and intense, yet with subtle nuances, long. 96

20 years of Clos Fourtet in the hands of the Cuvelier family

This tasting and evening was to commemorate 20 years of ownership of Clos Fourtet in Saint-Emilion, by the Cuvelier family.

The tasting was held in April 2023, and I have a serious backlog of tasting notes to publish. 

The tasting was set up in a flight and all wines are in the order they were tasted. They were not served in chronological order. The Cuvelier family has transformed the quality of the estate, especially in later vintages. I remember some vintages in the 90´s was quite rustic when young, even if some of them has aged well, there were som tough nails here when young. Some were also quite green. 

Today they are lush and fruit forward, very expressive and detailed, sometimes quite big and bold, but they always retain acidity, freshness to the fruit, as well as quite often a graphite mineralogy that all combines to make the wines more graceful than the first impression sometimes might suggest. 

They also age very well, I have had lovely examples going back almost a hundred years from this estate, and there is no reason to think the younger vintages couldn't age as, if not more gracefully. 

2022 La Closerie de Fourtet

Ruby. Scented, floral, bright, fruit driven, layered, intense nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, smooth, layered, intense, almost creamy, quite rich, alcohol warmth, long finish. 91-93


2022 Clos Fourtet

Ruby. Lush, scented and lifted nose, detailed and layered, nuanced, minerals, detailed, truffles and chocolate. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, blackberries, fruit driven, juicy, layered, intense, detailed, such an energy to it, bright red fruits kick inn mid palate, changing the whole picture, superb length. 96-98


2002 Clos Fourtet

Ruby, thin garnet rim. Leather, anise, scented, bright and nuanced nose, cedar, minerals and minty. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, red fruits, anise, leaner bodied, anise, dates and figs, tobacco, long if leaner finish. 90


2006 Clos Fourtet

Ruby, thin garnet rim. Scented, red berries, anise, some liquorice, detailed, nuanced nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, red fruits, anise, liquorice, red berries, juicy with texture, long finish. 92


2011 Clos Fourtet

Ruby. Scented, blackberries, anise, some liquorice, dark fruits nose, quite bright. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, juicy, detailed, intense, quite nuanced, still a bit firm, lovely balance. Long. 93


2013 Clos Fourtet

Ruby. Blackberries, anise, dark fruits, liquorice, nuanced nose.But lighter. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, leaner bodied, anise, some spices, juicy, good length. 89


2017 Clos Fourtet

Ruby. Red and dark fruits, floral high notes, spices, some minerals, fairly detailed nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, red fruits, anise, spices, liquorice, firmer, bit narrow finish. 92


2003 Clos Fourtet

Ruby, garnet rim. Plums, cherries, some dates and prunes, blueberries and fine tobacco notes nose. Medium acidity, ripe tannins, juicy, blackberries, anise, spices, detailed, rounded, tobacco finish, long. 92


2009 Clos Fourtet

Ruby, thin garnet rim. Blackberries, anise, spices, liquorice, detailed nose, lifted, some mint and sweet tobacco, just starting to show more development. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, dark fruits, liquorice, some spices, intense, some alcohol warmth, layered and deep, long. 96


2015 Clos Fourtet

Ruby. Scented, red fruits, anise, minerals, detailed, nuanced, blackberries and blueberries nose, lifted. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, blueberries, anise, dark fruits and spices, liquorice, nuanced and long. 95


2001 Clos Fourtet

Ruby, thin garnet rim. Scented, minerals, lifted, fruit driven, detailed, nuanced, iron notes, dates and blackberries, some tobacco. Lovely at this stage. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, red berries, anise, juicy, some spices, tobacco, elegant mineral note, layered and detailed, long. 94


2004 Clos Fourtet

Ruby, thin garnet rim. Scented, lighter, red fruits and dark berries, some spices, nuanced nose, minerals.Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, red fruits, anise, lighter bodied, some herbs, red fruits, some dates, long finish. 91


2008 Clos Fourtet

Ruby, thin garnet rim. Scented, red fruits, cherries, blackberries, blueberries, quite lifted nose, bright. Beeneath some coffee and spices. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, blackberries, anise, spices, liquorice, nuanced, long finish, still a bit firm. 92


2012 Clos Fourtet

Ruby, faint garnet rim. Some tobacco, dates, figs notes nose, blueberries and spices, nuanced if lighter. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, light bodied, some vanilla and spices, leaner, bit of toast bitterness, good length. 89


2014 Clos Fourtet

Ruby. Blackberries, anise, fruit driven, some spices, nuanced nose, some herbs. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, red fruits, anise, some spices, juicy, leaner bodied, refreshing, long finish. 91


2005 Clos Fourtet

Ruby, faint garnet rim. Blackberries, dark fruits, bramble, concentrated and detailed, fairly rich nose. Youthful and still on the firm side. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, blackberries, anise, liquorice, spices, intense and quite dense, long finish. Still very tight. 95


2010 Clos Fourtet

Ruby. Cassis, blackberries, liquorice, some vanilla and spices nose, dark fruits. Touch of coconuts and vanilla. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, blackberries, anise, spices, rich, dark fruits, liquorice, dense, firm, long finish. You can chew the texture in this, still a baby. 96


2016 Clos Fourtet

Ruby. Blackberries, anise, spices, dark fruits, liquorice, layered and deep nose, stunning. A different energy to it. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, dark fruits, intense, layered, detailed, spices, blackberries, rich, intnse, minerals, long finish. Lovely. 95


2018 Clos Fourtet

Ruby. Dark fruits, blackberries, anise, some spices, liquorice, layered, nuanced, scented nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, blackberries, juicy, liqurice, detailed, layered, quite rich, long finish. 94


2019 Clos Fourtet

Ruby. Scented, red berries, anise, some cherries, fruit driven nose, some spices, quite detailed. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, red fruits, spices, detailed, layered, intense, minerals, lots of texture but so fine grained tannins, long finish. 97


2020 Clos Fourtet

Ruby. Blackberries, anise, some spices, dark fruits, liquorice and spices, firmer nose at this stage. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, blackberries, dark fruits, anise, riper, rich and dense, blackberries, long finish. Some alcohol warmth. 96

søndag 9. februar 2025

Wonderful tasting and lunch at Haut-Bailly, wines back to the best red 1979 I have tasted

Visiting Bordeaux for tastings of the 2022, 2021 and 2020 vintage, sometimes get some extra added bonuses. An invitation to lunch at Château Haut-Bailly is a pleasure one should always say yes to, if the opportunity arises, and we were not only treated to wonderful young vintages, but a spectacular 1989! Gorgeous. 

But the absolute star of the show, for me, was the best red 1979, I have ever tasted. And I had never tried the 1979 Haut-Bailly before. I have read nice praises about it, especially in Jane Anson´s book on Haut-Bailly. And now I was given the chance to try it myself. It came blind, I guessed a younger vintage, well, I guessed the 1989 was younger as well, so I was more around 1989 on the 1979. 

Wow, what a wine! It will live in my memory for the rest of my life! What a treat! 

2022 Château Haut-Bailly

Ruby. Scented, blackberries, detailed, cassis, lifted, blackberries, nuanced, floral, bright yet dense and deep.Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, blackberries, dark fruits, anise, spices, liquorice, rich and dense, yet lifted and lively. Lovely salinity 98


2021 Château Haut-Bailly

Ruby. Red berries, anise, spices, fruit forward, cassis and blueberries, light liquorice note, some floral high notes. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, cassis, blackberries, some tobacco notes, detailed, nuanced, quite intense, long finish. 95


2020 Château Haut-Bailly

Ruby. Scented, blackberries, dark fruits, liquorice, detailed and nuanced nose, layered, minerals show beneath. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, red and dark fruits, blackberries, nuanced, detailed, refreshing, lovely salinity and energy to it, layered and long. Gorgeous! 97


2022 Haut-Bailly II

Ruby. Scented, blackberries, dark fruits, liquorice, nuanced nose, detailed. Floral and lifted. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, dark fruits, nuanced, detailed, refined, elegant, lovely fruit and body, long. 94


2021 Haut-Bailly II

Ruby. Blackberries, anise, dark fruits, some spices, floral and nuanced nose. Very open. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, blackberries, anise, dark fruits, spices, juicy, red berries, detailed and long. 92


2020 Haut-Bailly II

Ruby. Cassis, blackberries, anise, blueberries, dasrk fruits, nuanced and detailed, firmer nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, blackberries, dark fruits, nuanced, detailed, firmer, elegant texture, long finish. 93


2019 Château Haut-Bailly

Ruby. Scented, blackberries, minerals, nuanced, detailed, detailed, tobacco, leather, complex nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, blackberries, detailed, fruit forward, minerals, nuanced, layered, intense and deep. Wonderful. 97


2016 Château Haut-Bailly

Ruby. Minerals, nuanced, detailed, bright, fruit forward, minerals, lifted nose. fresh acidity, ripe tannins, dark fruits, minerals, detailed, layered, nuanced, such lovely balance, so lifted, so bright, wonderful! 98


2015 Château Haut-Bailly

Ruby, thin brick rim. Dates, figs, blackberries, cassis, dark fruits, layered, minty touch, tobacco notes nose.Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, dark fruits, liquorice, blackberries, detailed, juicy, elegant, evolving quicker than the 2016 at this stage. 96


1989 Château Haut-Bailly

Ruby, brick rim. Tobacco, nuanced, detailed, fruit forward, dates and figs, minty notes, layered nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, detailed, bright, tobacco, layered, scented, nuanced, fruit forward, figs, dates, minty, gorgeous, and such a young bottle. Wonderful. Served at lunch at Haut-Bailly. 97


1979 Château Haut-Bailly

Ruby, brick rim. Figs, dates, nuanced, sweet dried fruits, layered, elegant, complex, surprisingly youthful nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, red berries, nuanced, minerals, juicy, detailed, figs, dates, layered, wonderful. Best red Bordeaux I have tried from 1979! Served at Haut-Bailly. 96

Château d'Yquem 2022, 2016 and 2010 tasted

2022 Château d'Yquem

Golden. Apricots, peach, pineapples, nuanced, fruit forward, detailed, nuanced, detailed, bright nose, floral.Fresh acidity, peach, pineapples, nuanced, detailed, bright, detailed, intense, creamy, very elegant texture, refreshing and intense, yet not the deepest and most concentrated Yquem made. Gorgeous purity and lovely tension. Second highest sugar level ever on Yquem at 160 grams, 1945 has 165 and is the highest level ever. 96


2016 Château d´Yquem

Golden. Golden, detailed, bright, peach, apricots, detailed, fruit forward, layered, some vanilla, stunning nose. Floral. Fresh acidity, fruit forward, detailed, intense, liquorice, nuanced, intense, rich, touch of orange blossoms, superb finish. Creamy and superb balance. 96


2010 Château d´Yquem

Golden. Peach, apricots, nuanced, pineapples, detailed, some grilled pineapples, touch of cinnamon notes nose. Fresh acidity, rich, detailed, creamy, some caramel, layered, nuanced, intense, spices, touch of creme brulée, superb length. 98


2022 Y de Yquem

Pale lemon yellow. Apples, some peach, fruit forward, nuanced, touch of almonds, elegant nose, bit firmer. Fresh acidity, fruit driven, nuanced, apples, peach, minerals, detailed, elegant texture, long finish. Has a new found salinity for me. 93

fredag 7. februar 2025

2020-2022's tasted from Château Malartic Lagraviére

Lovely tasting at Malartic Lagraviére, and in this market, nicely priced wines and good quality price ratio. Lovely dry whites and the reds could formerly have some rusticity to them, that now seems to be long gone. 2020 and 2022 reds are some ofte best ever from the estate. 

2022 Le Comte de Malartic blanc

Pale lemon yellow. Citrus, apples, some minerals, grapefruits notes nose. Fresh acidity, rounded, somewhat fatter, fruit forward, juicy, good length. 88


2021 Le Comte de Malartic blanc

Pale lemon yellow. Apples, citrus, fruit fdriven, nuanced nose, somewhat lighter. Fresh acidity, apples, lemons, some citrus, fruit forward, naunecd, juicy, elegant, good length. 89


2020 Le Comte de Malartic blanc

Pale lemon yellow. Apples, fruit driven, some citrus, nuanced nose. Fresh acidity, elegant texture, fruit forward, elegant texture, very smooth. 89


2022 Château Malartic Lagraviére blanc

Pale lemon yellow. Apples, peach, citrus, orange peel, frit forward and detailed nose. Fresh acidity, fruit forward, nuanced, elegant texture, detailed, a bit shyer salinity and tension than some of the others this vintage, but graceful body and texture. Long. 92


2021 Château Malartic Lagraviére blanc

Pale lemon yellow. Somewhat smoky, detailed, nuanced, citrus, grapefruits, lifted nose. Floral. Fresh acidity, apples, citrus, minerals, detailed, nuanced, juicy, elegant and refreshing, long finish. Lovely tension in this vintage, refreshing and bright. 93


2020 Château Malartic Lagraviére blanc

Pale lemon yellow. Fruit forward, apples, some peach, fruit forward nose, nuanced, bit subdued. Fresh acidity, apples, some citrus, fruit forward, nuanced, juicy, elegant texture, some salinity that blends in wonderfully in the finish. 93


2022 Le Comte de Malartic 

Ruby. Dark fruits, anise, spices, some herbs and tobacco notes nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, red fruits, anise, dark berries, nuanced, juicy, good length. 89


2021 Le Comte de Malartic 

Ruby. Blackberries, anise, dark fruits, some coffee notes nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, blackberries, dark fruits, anise, liquorice, juicy, good length. 88


2020 Le Comte de Malartic 

Ruby. Cassis, blueberries, anise, dark fruits, spices nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, red berries, darker fruits, some spices, long. 90


2022 Château Malartic Lagraviére

Ruby. Blackberries, anise, dark fruits, blueberries nose, fruit forward, some vanilla and spices. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, cassis, blackberries, dark fruits, spices, juicy, detailed, minerals beneath, long. 94


2021 Château Malartic Lagraviére

Ruby. Cassis, blackberries, dark fruits, anise, liquorice notes nose, layered. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, blackberries, dark fruits, anise, spices, liquorice, juicy, long finish. Somewhat narrower. 92


2020 Château Malartic Lagraviére

Ruby. Red berries, anise, scented, fruit driven, floral, nuanced nose, fairly bright nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, dark fruits, minerals, detailed, nuanced, juicy, elegant texture, long finish. Refined. 94

Two dinner wines

2014 Château Lanessan

Ruby, thin garnet rim. Some tobacco, cassis, blueberries and light leather note nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, anise, red berries, lighter bodied, somewhat rustic, good length. 89


2019 Le Sec de Rayne Vigneau

Pale lemon yellow. Apples, grapefruits, some spices, faint smoky note nose. Fresh acidity, saline, vibrant, somewhat creamy, detailed, elegant and long. 91

2020-2022 tasted from Château Olivier

Wonderful to see the work that is being done at Château Olivier. This estate has always been a bit of a hidden gem, especially if you like crisp whites and classic reds, they have never been tempted by the more modern big fruits, that now seems to fade out again of fashion. But they get ever more precise and refined. And now with the work around the mote of the château, this fairy tale looking estate is really shining. If you visit Bordeaux, you should visit Olivier. One of the really old estates of the region. 

2022 Château Olivier blanc

Pale lemon yellow. Apples, some citrus, minerals, light smoky note nose, detailed. Fresh acidity, apples, saline, minerals, nuanced, grapefruits, juicy, nuanced, elegant texture, long. 93


2021 Château Olivier blanc

Pale lemon yellow. Apples, some citrus, some vanilla, nuanced, lighter nose. Fresh acidity, apples, some citrus, nuanced, detailed, lighter bodied, refreshing, lovely saline finish, goes on and on. 93


2020 Château Olivier blanc

Pale lemon yellow. Apples, some citrus, minerals, nuanced, fruit forward, detailed nose. Fresh acidity, apples, citrus, minerals, detailed, elegant, nuanced, saline, fruit forward, lovely balance, long finish. Wonderful. 94


2022 Château Olivier

Ruby. Red berries, dark fruits, anise, liquorice, some spices on the nose, lightly scented, bit tight at this stage.Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, cassis, blackberries, dark fruits, anise, liquorice, juicy, firmer finish, long. 93


2021 Château Olivier

Ruby. Red berries, anise, some spices, blackberries, nuanced, fruit forward nose. Somewhat lighter. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, cassis, blackberries, anise, dark fruits and spices, nuanced, long finish if narrower. 91


2020 Château Olivier

Ruby. Some vanilla and spices, some coffee notes, cassis and blackberries notes nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, red berries, anise, some spices, liquorice, nuanced, long. Fruit forward. Textured finish. 93